I’ve seen rave reviews for Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine for a really long time, but forever reason — perhaps the cover art? the title? the plot? — I’ve always passed. A few weeks ago, I was in desperate need of an audiobook before work, so I downloaded it on a whim. I’m really, really glad I did!
Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine
Eleanor is twenty nine years old. She works in an office five days a week, and comes home an eats the same simple dinner every night, she watches a bit of TV, reads, and goes to bed. She lives alone. On the weekends she treats herself to frozen pizza and vodka. She doesn’t have any friends. Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine!
Eleanor is odd. She is very intelligent and well-spoken with impeccable grammar, but she lacks all ability to filter what she says and therefore she will tell you exactly what she’s thinking. This can lead to very awkward social encounters. But she’s completely fine!
I really enjoyed this book because it was pretty humorous but also extremelly sad once you dig through the surface. It was funny to read about Eleanor’s attempts to become “normal” by getting manicures, waxes, shopping at department stores, and getting her first hair cut. Reading it from Eleanor’s no BS point of view was hilarious and dead accurate.
The author, Gail Honeyman, does a fantastic job of slowly building the story and getting to the bottom of Eleanor’s odd life. No spoilers! I can’t talk any further about the plot without ruining the story with spoilers, so I’m going to stop.
What I can talk about, are the hints to a relationship between Eleanor and her coworker. We watch everything unfold and develop, but what I really enjoyed about this book is the fact that it’s not a romantic book. This is Eleanor’s story of recovery, healing, and self-worth. A huge THANK YOU to the author for not linking Eleanor’s journey with a romance, because hello! Finding your path to self-worth should never, never, never be tied to another human being.
If you’re looking for a funny, touching, and hopeful book, this one is for you! It was also a Reese Witherspoon Book Club pick. It also might be in the production stages for a movie. Read it before it comes out.