Short answer: No. But let me explain….
The KonMari Method
OK, so Marie Kondo was somewhat of a sensation several years ago. It seems everyone went batsh*t for cleaning, tidying, purging, and organizing their homes. I will admit, I was sold as well. And I “KonMari” our home at least 2x a year. If you still don’t know what the KonMari Method is, it’s simply the Japanese Art of Decluttering.
My husband and I are big fans of having a clutter free home and we love all things Japanese, so double bonus! Anyway, I was pretty pumped when I found out that Marie Kondo and Netflix teamed up to create Tidying Up. So! The million dollar question:
Is Watching Tidying Up as Helpful as Reading the KonMari Books?
No. And I didn’t find watching the show enjoyable either. I actually stopped mid-episode (maybe ep. 3 or 4) and never picked it back up. I honestly think Hoarders and other shows along those lines are better / provide better entertainment. I found myself not caring about the families and much of the script / dialogue felt forced. The whole thing just felt kind of weak.
While both Marie Kondo’s books (Spark Joy and The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up) are chalk full of useful tips and practical information to make your home work for you, I don’t believe it translates well into a TV show.
I did enjoy the small tips here and there, like storing party goods that are rarely used ( i.e. paper plates, napkins, straws, etc.) in an open box to be placed on a high shelf in a cabinet. Or how to fold a fitted sheet (I’m 30 years old and still don’t know how to do it). But those golden moments were few and far between.
Oh well. Good try, maybe next time, Netflix!