Let’s continue with personal development, shall we? This is my friend Kristen. We met fall semester of our sophomore year of college, during sorority rush week. Back then, when I met first met her – all those years ago — we were sweaty, starving, sleep deprived, and our faces hurt from all the fake smiling required during pledge week. We were running solely on the excitement of newly accepted bids into Zeta (and iced coffee, lots of iced coffee).
We became fast friends.
Kristen has a loud contagious laugh, a big smile, a warm heart, and long shiny hair, she’s gorgeous. What you would never guess by looking at her from the outside, was she was painfully shy, full of fear, and lacked self-confidence. Back then, that is.
Who she is today, is a confident, well-rounded, woman. Who fully devoted herself to improving her life in every aspect. She is constantly striving for self-improvement on her mind, her body, her business, her life, and her soul. I can go on and on about how proud I am to watch her blossom into a leader of the Southwest Florida community, as a woman killing it in her career.
Needless to say, when I need a small dose of inspiration injected into my day, I stalk her Instagram. I do this, mainly to gulp in as much of her positive attitude as I possibly can, and also because she is my go-to for self-development books and quotes (I love quotes!). She is the one who recommended You are a Badass, so it was only fitting that I roped her into this project; a roundup of must read self-development books.
Sidebar: I much prefer listening to these types of books via audible, strictly listening as I commute to and from work. I have committed myself to listening to one personal development book per month.
Here are the six books I have laid out for myself, January – June:

The Year of YES, January
I chose this one on my own, mainly because I couldn’t go anywhere without seeing it. According to Amazon….’This wildly candid and compulsively readable book reveals how the mega talented Shonda Rhimes, an unexpected introvert, achieved badassery worthy of a Shondaland character. And how you can, too.’
I’m actually half way through this already, and it’s fun to listen to. It’s sassy, hilarious, and pretty inspiring.
Ask and It is Given, February
I was explained that this is an excellent starter book — even though I’m technically reading it second (The Year of Yes seemed more fun) — to dive into the Law of Attraction, teaching you how to manifest what you want into your life.
The Power of Now, March
Kristen’s Review: If you are like most humans, you fall into the trap of living in the past, which can lead to: sadness, anger, resentment, guilt, limiting thoughts on your future, regret, disappointment, and what ifs.
Or you’re someone who finds themselves living in the future. Which causes constant worrying and / or anxiety over things that haven’t happened, or possibly may never happen. Full of fear, feelings of being unsure, trying to plan life away like crazy, or always chasing happiness, saying, ‘When X happens in the future, THEN I’ll be happy…’
Come back to the NOW because it is truly ALL we have. Find your joy and peace NOW.
The Creative Habit, April
Written by no-nonsense, world-renowned dance choreographer Twyla Tharp. As the title suggests, it’s all about creating good habits, which, if you do nothing else, will completely change your life for the better.
The Four Agreements, May
Kristen’s Review: Incredibly short and easy read that will never leave my coffee table! This is a book to own and go back to as many times as you can! All I can say is as you learn the four agreements and begin to reprogram your beliefs around these transformative agreements, your life will never be the same! Talk about FREEDOM!
The book talks about the four things you need to do to live a better life:
- Be impeccable with your word
- Don’t take anything personally
- Don’t make assumptions
- Always do your best.
The Circle Maker, June
Kristen’s Review: I really loved this book. It allowed me to connect more with my faith. I realized I don’t have to go through life alone, nor hold onto any fear holding me back. The author talks about his own personal experiences, sharing some very moving and powerful stories. It gives the reader permission to have God-sized dreams and go after them. He also encourages living to your FULLEST potential, because that is what honors God the most.
OK, so there you have it. The next six months of self-development laid out for me. Do you have any other book suggestions that should have made this list?
PS. Here is Kristen’s website